Thursday, July 5, 2012

coconut savory mexican-spiced pancakes

So, I loooove Mexican food.

I also am really making an effort at this no wheat/no corn thing, and I've made enough concessions with my cheese and tequila.

A girl has to have her vices!

Suffice to say, corn tortillas, easy and scrumptious as they are, are out the door.  In the door must come some substitute if I intend to cook, eat and enjoy Tex-Mex.  Today I tried my hand at coconut flour tortillas.  Coconut flour seems to me (the absolute layman in all things of baking) like ordinary flour but with no gluten, which makes it less stretchy, gooey and prone to expansion.  For a flat cake like a tortilla, that seems to be a pretty easy swap.  The only catch was that that every recipe had eggs and baking powder involved, and those make things fluffy, which I realized after the fact.  So, I went from tortilla to pancake pretty quickly.  I'll try tortillas soon, though.

Recipe adapted from Prehistoric Palate, who had the awesome idea to spice their tortillas!  But I'm lazy.  I didn't feel like measuring out more water, so I rounded down, and I have key limes, so I just juiced one.   Truth be told, I just dashed spices in.  No measuring.  I'm really that fly by the seat of my pants.  Or I hate dishes that much.  You choose.  Then I just blitzed it all in the magic bullet and poured into the skillet.  They smell AWESOME!

These would be delicious as a "sandwich bread" or base for meat to soak up lovely juices.  However, enchiladas tomorrow with the goodness created today!!!!

1/3 cup water
2 eggs
2 tablespoons olive oil
2 T coconut flour
1/4 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp cumin
1/4 tsp chili powder

Blitz in bullet.  Pour into skillet.  Cook.  Yum.

One of these filled that food void til dinner:-)

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